School Archive

This gotta be a dream

Sometimes I don’t believe my life either. Pearlsky’s school aide calls around 11 this morning. I just want you to know that she is coming home later with a band-aid on her elbow. She was rubbing her elbow back and forth on her tray for a while. No one noticed? How does she know, unless

“Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less; our kids, their rights, or an email from S.D.” ~apologies to Susan B. Anthony

A dear friend is dealing with her child’s first Individualized Education Plan (IEP). They had a good meeting, great things were put in the IEP … and none are coming to fruition. Delays, excuses, crap.

I don’t remember dying, but I woke up in hell (** UPDATED! **)

Earlier this weekend, the love of my life did the one thing, the only thing, that I cannot tolerate, knowingly. Ouch. Then life continued to get worse. See, you can go downhill from downhill; there is always a deeper hole.

Never give a gun to ducks. Ever.

I have always told my employees, on their first day of work, “If you need an afternoon off, do not tell me why.”

Medicine, shmedicine

Sent to Pearlsky’s teacher this morning: Pearlsky had a tough day yesterday at home. This morning, when I went to refill her medicine for school I noticed that she never got her 2:30 dose yesterday, it was still in her bag, hence the problems we had. A bit later, the response: I am so sorry

th of May" rel="bookmark">Cincoth of May

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I know very little about Mexico. I have enough problems with American history, don’t start asking me about General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín and his victory over the French (I knew I liked him) in the Battle of Puebla. Hell, I was just a kid back in 1862 … It is also very unfortunate that the

(with apologies to Buddha)Three things cannot be long hidden: the son, the moon, and the truth. (with apologies to Buddha)

(with apologies to Buddha)
“Courage has its rewards” was the fax a dear friend sent upon hearing of the pregnancy.

Hijacking a comment: a guest post!

Make sure you have read this post, the one from a few days ago on IEP Hell. A comment was left on that post which I removed since it was too provocative, in an appropriate sense. The author is Stephanie Lynn Keil, self described as having “high-functioning autism, PTSD, borderline personality disorder and major depression.”