School Archive

“Nature abhors a moron” ~Henry Louis Mencken

For too many reasons, this topic keeps me up at night. Often. So I got a note from one of Pearlsky’s doctors that she can eat food fit for humans. I sent it with this email to the new director of sped in the high school, as well as to the superintendent and the assistant

“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one’s opinion is the best proof of stupidity.” ~Michel de Montaigne

Before I get into this post, look who is back to blogging! She is worth a look, trust me. It turns out that it is definitely nursing who have caused all of Pearlsky’s meals to be blended. And, it turns out that they claim that is the only way she can eat and has always

“Govern well thy appetite, lest sin surprise thee, and her black attendant, Death.” ~John Milton

So much to talk about … traveling four hours each way in one day to a meal that you really don’t want to eat because you cannot stop and go to the bathroom on the drive home … the state attorney general lighting a fire under the Office of Public Protection to get an answer

“I never thought I was normal, never tried to be normal.” ~Charles Manson

I spent some time today with a woman I have much respect for. She works with special education kids on the high school level, knows my daughter as well as students with all levels of disabilities. Nice woman, she has been doing this for a while. The word “normal” came up, I don’t remember why,

“The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort – the opening, terror. Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing – the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.” ~Andy Rooney

I am very careful about who takes pictures of my kids and what is done with them. No, I will not give you any reason for that (see my post on why I don’t give reasons) and it does not matter. What does matter is that both Pearlsky’s school and David’s school have, in writing,

“It was accountability that Nixon feared.” ~Bob Woodward

From this post a few days ago, we know that the residential facility that pretends to care for my son had an audit of their medicine control room. Turns out it was a fake pre-audit to see how they would do on a real one. Some company came in, did the audit, and the next

“Great souls suffer in silence.” ~Friedrich Schiller

I need your help here, folks. You see, I don’t have a typical normal kid so I don’t know what normal parents (ha!) do in some situations. Remember, Pearlsky has no communication, nada, zippo. Your kid comes home with two fairly significant bruises on her forearm. Do you: Say “Oh, honey, what happened to your arm?” Say

Simply morons

Quick review. Both my children, Pearlsky and David, have an amino acid disorder. They don’t make it, so they need to take it. There is no medical history (i.e.: literature) on the disorder before Pearlsky. Lucky us. The FDA considers amino acids a “food additive,” not a medicine. Pearlsky lives with me (duh) and David