“It was accountability that Nixon feared.” ~Bob Woodward
From this post a few days ago, we know that the residential facility that pretends to care for my son had an audit of their medicine control room. Turns out it was a fake pre-audit to see how they would do on a real one. Some company came in, did the audit, and the next day a nurse panicked because my son David’s life sustaining amino acid had disappeared. I have emailed daily trying to get more information, some accountability. This email went out three days in a row:
I will ask again …
Did the employee of PM who destroyed David’s amino acid notify anyone at your facility of this action the day it took place? If so, who?
There were eight cc’s on the email, it was directed to the V.P. of Nursing. Absolutely no answer until a phone call the end of the day yesterday. Of course a call, then there is nothing in writing. But, alas, I followed it up in writing.
I swear to you this is true … during the call, and I have known (and conflicted with) this woman for five years, I said the following, and yes, using these exact words:
You know what I don’t get? Pardon my language, but don’t you have an engraved plaque over David’s bed that says “Don’t fuck with David because his father is a tenacious asshole”?
She laughed and responded “I thought they all knew.”
Here is my email in response to the call. It went to ten people there; one would think they are a bit ashamed. Enough said.
Thank you for the phone call earlier.
To make sure I properly understand …
The nurse from PM took multiple items from the medicine area that she understood to be in violation of whatever requirements, and she put these in a bag. Additionally she made a list of what items she was removing. When she left she handed the bag of items to be destroyed to one of your staff members, and it is not clear what happened to the list until the next day when M had it.
Am I correct in this understanding?
Additionally, no one appears to have acted upon the list, nor the contents of the bag, knowing that vital medicines were being destroyed, and no one contacted David’s nurses nor his parents, basically ignoring said list and bag.
Please let me know if I misunderstand anything. Thank you again for the phone call and your efforts with regards to this incident.
A perfect explanation of the term “clusterfuck”.
You are way more polite than I would be.
Is one of those cc’s the guy that runs the place?
I am a lurker on your blog with no experience of caring for a severely disabled person, yet I still want to reach through the screen and murder someone. Maybe it’s especially hard *because* I have no experience. I’m used to having to deal with the level of shit I get for my own disabilities (which is enough to shock “normal” people) and am pretty calm about most of it, but what you have to advocate for is so many levels of magnitude beyond that. Gods.
Did you ever hear back about what is going to be done with the idiot nurse at Pearlsky’s school? How many months is that now? 10?
I think we are over a year at least on the Alien Queen over there at Pearlsky’s school are we not?
Maybe it’s time to call the “Spotlight Team” or the “I” Team or whatever investigative news team populates your area television stations, or major newspapers. This is red meat to them–an endangered child, uncaring and incompetent staff, a parent striving to get answers and being repeatedly rebuffed. A bright light on the misdeeds (closer to felonious conduct) of these mis-managers might be helpful to your and more importantly, your son’s, situation.