Is Pearlsky safe?
As mentioned, I have had a protective services investigator from the state ask me if I thought Pearlsky was safe in school now. I have had a local police detective and a state police investigator ask me the same thing.
I cannot send her to school AND say “no, I don’t feel she is safe.” And, obviously, feeling she was safe a month ago turned out to be a moot feeling, so whatever I feel now is, well, moot. She is not safe nor un-safe (or to word differently, she is not safe or not not safe) based on my feelings.
My feelings don’t matter, we know that.
So, to keep Pearlsky safe, I have assembled a new school aide. She will be accompanied, exactly as show in this photo. Every day of school this year (but reconfigured to meet the proper dress code).
Pearlsky’s new 12-armed, 12-legged, school aide to keep her safe:
She’s one lucky girl!!! If I had those aides in school I may have reconsidered my decision to beg the school to let me roam the halls without an aide in 8th grade……
(“Your comment was a bit too short. Please go back and try again.”) What?
First and foremost, know that I have been thinking of you and Pearlsky.
As for the aides, they would certainly make me feel secure!
You know, I like all kinds of “aides”… Bless that Pearlsky!!
Perfect! (and just expecting from other comments that this one too will be deemed too short to post, I’m padding my response here. )
I LOVE the huge grin on her face as she bashfully does not look at the camera.
Oh my goodness- your daughter is in a gang! A posse, one might say.
This post made me smile and I hope your decision makes you feel more at ease, as well.
They look like a wonderful group of gentleman.
I hope things go much smoother from here on, or just a tad, even.
I hope things are much easier for you. I’m new to your blog by the way. I came here from Mama Lewis. As Cara says, Pearlsky is one very lucky daughter.
By the way, I’d like to suggest getting leather biker jackets for Pearlsky and her entourage if they’re not against the dress code.
And how much will you pay for that picture, Jo?
Kudos dad… from Velvet Martin, spokesperson for Protecting Canadian Children, founder of SAMANTHA’S LAW and most of all, Samantha’s mom… who was not able to keep her daughter safe from monsters. Do what and all you need to keep your daughter safe. XO
Love this!!! You are so resourceful in your aide hiring strategies! Great job!~
I personally am not a fan of “meaty” men but never considered them as aides. It looks like I have something new to add to Aria’s IEP wish list.
Guess I am quitting the gym …
Oh my god ..when I saw the picture of your daughters PROTECTORS I had to laugh… That is EXACTLY what that school deserves… I too have a handicapped child and understand the fear you have about sending an innocent child to a place, anyplace, and walking away knowing she will not be able to tell you if:
1.) someone was mean to her
2.) someone pinched her
3.) some one pushed her in a corner and left her there
there are so many things that they can do to a child that will never show in order for you to know they are not taking care of her the way you would. I was not as lucky as you to have the muscle behind my daughter, but she had me. I was my daughters protector. Wow I did some crazy stuff to make sure she was safe. I hid in bushes and video taped what was happening on the play ground and in the class room .There just happened to be a house located behind the class room that I could see into the windows, I went to the home owner and he allowed me to video tape from his back yard into the class room. The heart breaking things I saw sent me into RAMBO mode. I ended up suing the school 4 different times and won …Oh NOT for money but for services for my daughter RICKI from U.C.L.A. she was able to recieve all her therapies from DOCTORS that cost more than I could ever hope to afford. All on Downey school district dime. I have to say I am impressed by you and your friends by the size of your hearts.. People may look at you and think MUSCLE JUICE HEADS , just as they judge our children by looking at them. I heart breaking truth is if Ricki ( my daughter ) could at least tell me if someone was mean to her my life would be alot sweeter. Look sometimes she drives me crazy, and I ask myself why me, then I take a deep breath and realize THANK GOD IT’S ME. No one will ever hurt this child I have given up my life to stay with her and protect her. She was born normal ( what ever NORMAL means ) and at 18 months was given the DPT shot and recieved brain damage, so she looks as if nothing is different than any one else. But spend a minute or two with her and there is no mistaking how different she is. Her father commited sucide when it happened and left me alone. Well enough of my sob story. I wish you all lived in Calif. because it is not very often , or let me say I have never met any one like you and your friends that have made it there mission to protect a little girl from a world that really could care less… I guess that makes all of you NOT NORMAL !!!!!!!
To Pearlsky;
I wanted to let you know TEACHERS come in all forms,and sizes, you and your father and his friends taught me something today. You have a father whos heart and love is truly something I never new was out there. Oh sure there is love for your child, but I haven’t seen a father take the hands on protection roll ever. You will be safe daddy will see to that. Daddy you are truly one hell of a MAN. I KNOW YOU ARE JUST DOING WHAT YOU FEEL ANYONE WOULD DO IN YOUR SHOES…..BUT I’M SURE YOU HAVE SEEN FIRST HAND THEY DON’T, SCHOOL IS JUST A BABYSITTER TO MOST. I am a whole lot wiser today than yesterday, and I thank you PEARLSKY because with out you I would of never known DADDY’s like that walk among us.