Too much time on her hands …
Obviously, one of my (truth be told, “favorite”) readers has way too much time on her hands. She actually reads my blog …
This is from the mailbag today:
Happy New Year! or whatever …..
These issues were left unresolved in 2013. I do expect an update on these in the very near future!
Coke versus car – how did the car turn out. Did you end up with a lifetime supply of Coke or what?
What kind of sandwich was it? I thought I might reserve judgement on your “friend” depending on the exact contents of the meal.
When are you going to get the damned RV already and pick us up?
Is your hearing better? Is the tingling / numbness improving? Is being an amino acid junkie all you hoped it would be?
If I win the lottery will you spirit away to Buenos Aires with me for some authentic milonga adventures?
I promise not to tell … did you find someone with an uncle Guido to “take care of” you know who?
There’s probably more but those popped to mind.
Coke versus car – how did the car turn out. Did you end up with a lifetime supply of Coke or what? (reference)
Actually, they ended up repairing the car. Because the frame was spared and the mileage was low, they paid $7500 instead of totaling it! And I drink ginger beer now, so the non-Pepsi thing is moot (we don’t say the “C” word around here anymore).
What kind of sandwich was it? I thought I might reserve judgement on your “friend” depending on the exact contents of the meal. (reference)
That’s a really good point. I would ask her now, but any reference to that day sort of upsets her, so I will assume it was a black Périgord truffle sandwich from Chef Rostang. That does put it into a different light.
When are you going to get the damned RV already and pick us up? (one of several references)
I am seriously yearning more and more for the RV and giving it some serious consideration. I doubt that Rock My RV will ever consider (or know about) us (Call them! Write them!). I cannot afford a retrofitted one and I wonder how much I can do myself. If I can pick one up that is at least mechanically sound, I would modify the inside … may be biting off more than I can chew, but damn, the prospects.
And, dear reader, you can bet your ass I will swing by. And London. And Los Angeles, and Riverside, and Muncie, … I don’t do well partying and escaping alone …
Is your hearing better? Is the tingling / numbness improving? Is being an amino acid junkie all you hoped it would be? (reference)
Excuse me? Didn’t hear the question. Oh, the amino acid! It actually is improving my peripheral neuropathy! There are great things happening there and the research is continuing. I have agreed to go off it for a week or so in a few months to do further testing, but I am sure the pain will return. This I will do for the “greater good” to get some good data.
If I win the lottery will you spirit away to Buenos Aires with me for some authentic milonga adventures? (reference)
In a freaking heartbeat. Hell, if I win, we will drive there in the RV, practicing along the way! (Wheelchair lift, tie downs, and milonga floor are all requirements for the RV.)
I promise not to tell … did you find someone with an uncle Guido to “take care of” you know who? (probable reference)
There are several people that need some “taking care of” in Pearlsky’s and my life. If this is a reference to the summer, I understand that my prime suspect will not be back, but then, neither will Pearlsky. More seriously, I am not one so much for revenge, I leave that to Karma, but I do believe in proper justice under the law. I ran into a local police woman yesterday, I knew her 18 years ago when she worked in the local pizza shop, she has been on the force for 16 years. She has known Pearlsky all her life. She asked how Pearlsky was doing, it turns out she knew only a hint of what happened. I told her the story, which of course made me relive it, and, well, it was a tough hour or two.
And I do have a very dear Sicilian friend, who honestly does have an Uncle Guido! And, come to think of it, she does owe me a favor …
Thank you for the email, the caring, and the thoughts. But alas, you probably do have too much time on your hands …
And to show my age …
It is good to hear your voice again!
Happy new year, I hope 2014 brings you minimal aggravations, some peace and lots of sarcastic laughter.
; )
Glad the amino acids are helping you and thank you for tying up loose ends.
FACT: The first “real” concert I ever went to? STYX! Also saw them a couple more times over the years after that initial concert. …. yeah I was probably in preschool or something ….
Sometimes I don’t know what to say, SD, but I am always reading and always happy to see a post from you pop up in my feed reader
Great post — it’s so good to get caught up! And as an aside, I, too, have an Uncle Guido (or something very close) so feel free to inquire!
While we are on the subject of loose ends…whatever happened with the nurse complaint? So who do we contact to get a RV adapted?
I am hopping over from another blog and I think I like your humor.
Happy new year.