Disturbed, stalking, juvenile, manipulating soon to be ex-husband …
… causes the end of a blog (a couple of months ago), but not this time! No, other reasons, and they are explained in The Longest Post Ever. Dr. Barbara Boucher has ended her blog. She has been a great voice in the community for a while and a reader and commenter here as well. While she acknowledged a different perspective than most of us here (a therapist as opposed to a parent of a kid like ours), her input was always welcome. I hope she continues to read and comment after the end of her blog … her sense of humor, at least, would be missed! Good luck in your future adventures, Barbara!
You know those packets of flavoring that come with Ramen noodles? The ones filled with all sorts of stuff that kill plants and peel paint but taste good? What if there was no msg and less salt and just overall better flavor, but yet similar enough that the kids will love it and recognize it?
Single Dad’s Special Secret not-too-crappy Spice Mix that imitates Ramen stuff
1 part onion powder
1 part ground ginger
1 part garlic powder
1 part chicken bouillon powder
1/3 part ground black pepper
Mix well. Enjoy.
Why has no one responded to Kandee? Her comment is here.
I know that although it is irrational and unjust I will always carry guilt inside of me. Guilt because my genes (her dads too) doomed her in a sense. Guilt because I have three children and she is the only one with ALADD, I have guilt because when I was 23 I thought I could and would handle everything and now age wisdom shows me I can not. Guilt because her father like single dad cares for her in ways that I can not. But I rationalize that as long as I do the best that I can do, than that has to be enough. If that is a 6 so be it. Embrace your number, I am sure you child does. Remember we have to fight all time (I do not like the word advocate) with schools, doctors, pharmacies, strangers, family and friends too unfortunately (at least in my case) WE absolutely can not fight with ourself!
Now single dad an we add some vodka to your recipe?
SD, you have any more recipes like that? My husband lives off that crap! I’m gonna sneak him your version tomorrow.
Just trying to keep up my bona fides as a mommy blogger! (sorry, Elizabeth!)
I posted a comment BEFORE you left your riposte, Single Dad, and in it I basically thanked you for the wonderful spice recipe, suggesting that you might consider writing a food blog as well! I’m also grateful that you keep me on my toes regarding my non-inclusionary language when discussing the parenting of special needs children. I figure you, Ken and Phil can pretty much speak for yourselves as “daddy bloggers,” although I’d add that if there’s a term I hate more than “mommy blogger,” it’s “daddy blogger.”
Thank you, too, for telling us about Barbara’s blog. I have definitely enjoyed her comments over the years on your blog and others and will miss them. Sadly, I think I’m one of the “bitter” bloggers she refers to in her post and certainly one of the people who uses profanity, although I’ll defend my usage as being judicious and pertinent. My Mississippi grandmother, the ultimate lady in every true sense of the word, once told me that profanity is only words where the Lord God’s name is taken in vain. While I wouldn’t call myself a “lady,” I take that seriously, actually, and have refrained from doing so, but would cry mea culpa for the occasional f#&^% and certainly sh&*&. Damn isn’t even a curse word, as far as I’m concerned.
I’m twisted up on the issue of the comparisons, can’t get the streams uncrossed. Been fairly useless lately. Only been a couple years now though, It’ll turn around…
Ivy, that must be really hard. SD’s comment about his genes matching his ex-wife’s struck a chord with me too.
I seem to come from a different angle. In my family, my oldest two chidren are from my first marriage. Yet, I have a few children with Autism, one from my first marriage and two from my second. It seems like the genetic failure is all mine. I have horrible guilt that it is all my fault. I also feel guilty that I caused my husband this.
So much guilt all around. Do you suppose “normal” parents feel like this?
Well first off Jennifer it is not your fault, my fault or S.D.’s fault. We are just playing the game of LIFE and his is where the spin landed. I don’t know what “normal parents” feel guilt wise but I know that I don’t feel guilty because my 2nd girl wears glasses, and I have no guilt over my sons crooked teeth. Based on that I feel us “special parents” got an extra spin of the wheel and picked up the guilt card!
Lucky us! True. I don’t feel guilt that my others wear glasses, this should be different. Easier said that done, of course. I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me.
shouldn’t be different! Not should be.
This shows the perfect recipe for a post – divergent topics, a few links and ending with a question.
SD, you and I are a mutual admiration society. Backatcha for the compliments.
Elizabeth, you honor your grandmother with your honesty. Frankly, if she knew our current world, I suspect her definition of ‘lady’ would be modified and your photo would be in the dictionary next to the word.