Flabbergasted, totally flabbergasted (updated)
She has worked four full days as a nanny. Thirty years old, two degrees, full time job as a researcher for a major institution, married.
I come home from having lunch. She looks a bit out of it, her eyes a bit glassy.
How’s everything?
Fine. I took some of Pearlsky’s valium.
Any particular reason?
I had a stomach ache.
How much did you take?
A spoonful.
Why don’t you go home early today since you are not feeling well.
She must have thought it was ok since she just openly told me. She took neither Pearlsky’s Pepcid nor Prevacid, both “stomach” medicines (nor the Tums, Mylanta, Pepto, etc. we have). She left her cell phone here.
My stomach hurts.
Holy Shit…OMG…!!
We have a term for continuous bad luck. Snake-bit.
Yea, flabber-shock-snake-bit-bad-luck for nannies. Interested to see if you have more to say on this after you come out of -gasted-shock.
Come on. Is it June Fool’s Day?
You’re shitting me… that is truly beyond the pale. Possibly a police matter?
Thank God she was stupid enough to tell you.
This is how I came to fire one of our sitters. She showed me how her fingers were shaking from a new allergy medication she began taking that day. Of course, this was AFTER she drove my children home from school. Terrible judgement on her part but I was grateful that she told me.
oy! Good luck single dad!
Well, she probably didn’t find any medical marijuana in your medical cabinet, so she resorted to valium. You didn’t leave her too many options đ
Huh?! She took a dose of your daughter’s prescription medication (illegal), which no doubt affected her ability to care for Pearlsky (irresponsible), but she was good enough to be honest about it (stupid on her part). Maybe next time, she’ll spark up a doobie in the living room to help alleviate her headache – never mind the Advil bottle before her. Just my humble opinion, but I say mail her back her cell phone with a cheery handmade card reading, “You’re fired.”
Just, oy.
You’re lying! I wish I could tell myself that enough to convince me it was true.
Well, shit. Back to the interview stage, and I do feel for you.
You did fire her, and report her, didn’t you? I’m new to the blog. Have you written about your son?
Erma Bombeck once wrote about a babysitter she had who made gin ice cubes and nobody knew until one day the kids made a lemonade stand and the entire neighborhood of children passed out.
O M G! (The reply was too short to submit, so I’ll repeat) O M G!
She took a “spoonful” of the oral or IV diazepam? Either way, holy crap.