“Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred.” ~Jacques Barzun
You see, I have this kid, and well, she is different. Uggh. And the thing is, I feed into this by treating her as if she is, um, crippled and retarded. Her teachers treat her that way as well, can you imagine? And all of the other children laugh and call her names, they never let poor Pearlsky join in any games. But then I realized that because of her crippledness, we can get a handicap parking placard! Heck, I’m gonna use her diability for my advantage! Cool! A happy ending.
And you know what else? Dr. George Giuliani, Associate Professor of Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation at Hofstra University is a moron. He is the author of “No More Bullies at the North Pole” and claims that the story (and song, and movie, etc.) of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer teaches children that bullying others is acceptable behavior. Appearing on Fox and Friends, Giuliani said Rudolph faces constant bullying from his father, his coach and all of his classmates. “Can you imagine if your child’s teacher said to the class ‘don’t ever play with this child again just because he has Multiple Sclerosis’?” Yeah, right, equivalent, uh huh.
If we learned anything from Rudolph, it’s that freaks of nature should be shunned unless they can really bring something significant to the table… like, say, saving Christmas, or getting us good parking spaces!
(Thanks to a great daily email, The Toilet Paper)
Pictures du jour!
Here is what happens when some moron decides to help you with the laundry and uses five (yes five) times the proper amount of detergent. This is AFTER two full washes with no detergent …
And why I like to eat at Ikea and really want to buy a set of these chairs …
I love IKEA…for the commercials they have on the radio and for the cool stuff I cannot afford to buy but would love to own. Not sure about the butt factor…especially in the restaurant…
For the second time tonight, I just am shaking my head. Someone really wasted the time and ink, to pen that piece. Spent valuable time and what ever other resources, to equate that movie/story to bullying? Moron indeed.
Care to hear about the other piece of head shaker? Rick Perry’s “pro-Christmas” spot. A must see, but even better and worthy of viewing, Stephen Colbert’s piece on a fore mentioned promo.Now that is worthy of watching.
Now,please don’t tell me you are the one responsible for the washer fiasco? Couldn’t be. Could it?
Dear Professor… the alternate explanation….
That “different” one has something that none of you run with the pack average idiots have… and it stands out and sometimes makes things magical…. sure it can suck to be teased by the average morons of the pack, and it can be really tough living with all of those parts that aren’t shiny or simply don’t work… but if people focus on that bright spot (be it a nose, a parking permit, a different way of looking at life.. WHATEVER) then things take on a whole different outlook and you average morons look even more… well BELOW average.
So dear Proffessor… stop being an average run with the pack moron and start TEACHING people to look for the bright spots
Okay…interesting. Yes, such research is a total waste of time. Yes, I faithfully watched the movie as a kid and have many happy memories associated with it. But, let’s face it, it’s a classic show of typical human behaviour toward differences: shun, ridicule, demonize. Redemption, for the “misfits” only comes upon their being useful in some way to the majority. There is no genuine acceptance of any of these individuals outside of their function within normal parameters. If Rudolf just had a red nose…and never led the sleigh through a storm, he would still be considered a freak and avoided at all costs. The elf removed the teeth from the enemy…only then to be taken seriously. If he had just become a dentist..? So. In any case, a link to the article had this line in it, which I think is hilarious:
“Stine said the real message is how Rudolph overcame adversity and reflects the difference between liberals and conservatives.
“Look how he handled it. He didn’t sue Santa because it was a hostile work environment,” Stine said. “Liberals are victims, conservatives are victorious, liberals are whiners, and conservatives are winners. It is a classic story about overcoming obstacles.””
LOL!! Those misfits got used! Perfect for the conservative political agenda…kinda like what the rich folk are doing with the Tea Party folk, yes?
Hey, I taped Rudolph last night and now I’m not going to let me daughter watch it because, yeah, well, because.
Was that lady eating those yummy little meatballs covered in sauce?
As for Rudolph — snooze.
How much time and money was wasted analyzing a cartoon? Why not just form a coalition of angry, humorless folks and just pester advertisers to pull their commercials from the damn thing? It is important for such a coalition to have a name which contains the word “Family” because it’s all about keeping our precious children safe. Barf.
I like buttcrack and social commentary combined in one place together.
Smells like…something special.
I think the phrase ‘overcame adversity’ made Claire pop a gasket, though, she may go hunt that Professor down like a wild boar.
Hey, did I ever tell you I used to work for IKEA? Four long, excruciating years. I went to college and everything and that was the job I got. Nice, huh? I designed kitchens for a while and then did signs and junk. Had to go BACK to school to get a Masters so I could attempt break in to the comic book industry just as that industry was headed into the shitter.
Some brain on me, right?
What were we talking about?