Quick wheelchair update!
From the Vice President of Customer Service at Sunrise Medical:
I know that you received a response from National Seating and Mobility’s COO on 3/11, referencing their communications and collaboration with Sunrise Medical to address the issues you appropriately referenced with Pearlsky’s wheelchair. While we (Sunrise Medical) did not respond directly, I can assure you that there is high-level attention and commitment to support the right resolution. As we have discussed previously, Sunrise Medical is committed to working through authorized providers who are located locally, have historical relationships and knowledge of your needs, and will be the team working directly with you (and us) to provide product and service support going forward.
I wanted to personally respond, and assure you of this commitment. We will be working together this week as there were key representatives who needed to be involved that were unavailable until now.
I will keep you updated. Hope springs eternal … but I think we’re close! Go NSM and SunMed!
Hoping, yes, there is a better resolution in the near future.