Parenting Archive
05 Oct 2015
I failed my son

I went to my son’s IEP today, he has 16 months left of school. The drive to his residential facility is about two hours, it makes for a long day. A long, horrible day. The law says that every child with a disability is to be educated as much as possible with their non-disabled peers.
08 Jun 2014
Dead would be nice
About six months ago someone at school asked me if I wanted Pearlsky to participate in graduation. She is turning 22 in October so school ends for her then. Technically I guess this would be her graduation. Note that she cannot “graduate” since she did not pass the No Child Left Behind mandatory state test,
24 May 2014
Night Terrors
Fear of the night seems to be ingrained in us humans. The dark, the unknown. But for those of us in this community, I believe it takes on a different dimension. I remember being told when Pearlsky was leaving the neonatal intensive care unit that kids “like her” typically die at night. Sometimes it is
23 May 2014
“It’s unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white.” ~Gisele Bundchen
Don’t ever go into a room alone with a personable, intelligent, challenging, well-educated videographer / interviewer … you never know what will happen. And it may happen in three parts. Here is part one.
01 May 2014
“God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive.” ~Edwin Louis Cole
The title of this post is kind of funny (no, not “ha ha” funny), a quote coming from the founder of the Christian Men’s Network who died with cancer and a broken back. I would say that … well … yeah, God does end some things on a negative. Speaking of negatives … I am going to
21 Jan 2014
Half truths and exhaustion
I noticed a small red patch near Pearlsky’s eye yesterday. No one knew why it happened, does not really matter. No big deal. This morning it was more of a bruise, lucky she does not have a black eye I guess. Whatever. Pearlsky did it to herself. It is no big deal. She went to school.
19 Dec 2013
Answer: Carlo Ponti
We all have our fantasies, right? Some of us have fantasies involving Italian women, right? Hmmmm … Anyway, we all have our fantasies. If you are a reader of this blog, which at least some of you are, then you must share some of the same fantasies I have. I just know it. I, for
16 Dec 2013
Do wits really have an end?
You have no idea how much I miss blogging. I am getting an idea how much you miss my blogging, and I must say I am extremely appreciative of those checking in to see if me and Pearlsky are okay. Seeing that “okay” is relative, I am not sure how to respond. Sure, we’re okay.