Parenting Archive
12 Feb 2013
“Heaven better be awesome” ~Kitz
Occasionally the topic of the severely disabled and abortion comes up here. We will NOT have any real discussion on it though. There was this post surrounding an email I received a few months back. Yesterday, a comment was added to the thread, this comment. It is obvious that the commenter, Kitz, and I, come from
14 Jan 2013
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
1979. I was in college, working in a local delicatessen part time. One summer day an older lady came in and before we knew it she was on the floor. No one there knew, but I was the Assistant Coordinator for CPR for the Red Cross in this major metropolis. Actually there was no coordinator, but
09 Sep 2012
I made a medicine error today. Did not seem to mess her up. Sure messed me up. Damn. But she does look cute when pictured with her dog-ugly dad, no?
29 Aug 2012
Simple question
As I mentioned, I am writing a post for a main stream publication on Growth Attenuation, also called the Ashley Treatment. (see here if you are not familiar) I just submitted it, I will keep you informed. The reasons for the treatment typically start with talk of “quality of life” for the child. Really? Here
04 Aug 2012
“I say there is no darkness but ignorance.” ~William Shakespeare
Sorry, Billy, I disagree. I am more of an “ignorance is bliss” kind of guy. (From Thomas Gray‘s poem, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1742): “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.”) I’m sitting here, minding my own business and contemplating the failure of the LHC to cause a black hole sucking in
19 Jul 2012
Dear Prudence, part deux
Two actual emails … re: last post … Ms. Yoffe: I am the single father of a severely disabled nineteen year old daughter. I happened to write a post on my blog the other day about offering advice to others within “our” community. Within the comments was a link to your column and the above
18 Jul 2012
“I believe in practicing prudence at least once every two or three years.” ~Molly Ivins
Thanks to Elizabeth, I now know who “Dear Prudence” is (aka Emily Yoffee) because of this comment on my last post. Several of you have commented on the Dear Prudence Q & A, as did I, but let’s look at it closer here. First, the question: Should I Call the Authorities on a Loving Mom?:
16 Jul 2012
It takes a community
I (and others) have referred to our “club” … many of us have severely disabled kids and that is a different situation than many other disabled. I don’t think I need to describe further, and to be honest, I don’t know how. Pearlsky has no communication at all, I know two “Sophie’s” who do, yet