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Traveling …

As you know (?), I am on the road this week. Something about driving over 1500 miles in two and a half days makes on kind of tired … I will be home for the weekend and will post. About what? Oh, the nanny calling to say the lift system stopped working for one. Basically,

“I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent.” ~James G. Watt

Reader Discretion is Advised: There are bad words in this post. Bad, bad, bad. And concepts. Maybe a sentence or two that would offend people who think words can be offensive. I call Perlsky a retard. And I mention UK fags and vertically challenged Hungarians and loquacious Canadians. You are warned.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

By now everyone has heard of the miracle in Belgium. If you have not, here is the synopsis: Rom Houben was in a car-crash 23 years ago. All sorts of tests back then “proved” he was in a “permanent vegetative state” and not capable of any thought or communication due to a devastating brain injury.

Caveat emptor – Let the buyer beware

A quick rant … you know how I hate DME companies. We needed some medical equipment and got it via Sleep Healthcenters (with whom I have now had multiple bad experiences) because they were recommended by the doctors. A bill came today. It turns out they charged my insurance company $522 of which insurance paid

“… the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Forty nine states mandate scholastic testing for students under the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) laws. Only California allows a parent to write a note and exempt their child, but the law discourages teachers and administrators from mentioning this to the parents. Pearlsky has no communication at all. Period. How can she be tested? The

Making the grade [updated]

This post is written a bit ass backwards, but I think that makes it clearer. The events happened her first year in high school. At the end of Pearlsky’s first quarter of high school, her report card came home. Strange in it’s own right, but ok. Turns out, she got all A’s! Ah, the proud

Social Responsibility?

Do we as bloggers have social responsibility? Blogging is an outlet, it can also be a manifestation of one’s desire for exhibitionism, but do we do it to help others or just ourselves? I think it is more complex when the blogging is for a smaller well defined community. I sent an email to a reader

Protected: Paganism

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.