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Just color me heathen …

I know most of you think I am some sort of heathen, questioning the concept of god, etc. Well, maybe.

Some days, just call me Ray Milland …

Some weekends are made to be forgotten, even if it takes major drugs or drinking … Throw in the Friday and the Monday, and well, there may or may not be a god, but there is a hell. The great Ray Milland starred in “Lost Weekend” To see the pièce de résistance, watch this clip

Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? *

Friday started off as your normal super sucky day …

Suffer fools gladly … not

(Not really about Pearlsky … but I have a thing for sharing.)

Rise to the Occasion

What the hell else am I to do? What are the choices? Will someone please tell me.

“The report of my death was an exaggeration.” ~Mark Twain

Yeah, I ain’t dead. I had some travel and thought I would be able to blog, but between the craziness on the trip, the craziness back home, my back and leg issues (yes, still), well, no chance to blog. And I need to catch up on my blog reading. Several things to fill you in

“It’s odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don’t quite fully share the hell of someone close to you.” ~Lady Bird Johnson

Riddle me this …

How do I take Pearlsky on a plane? She cannot sit in a seat, I cannot pick her up from her wheelchair, I have never seen wheelchair tie downs in the cabin …