Making the easy not-so-easy

First I want to thank everyone for their comments and emails on the last post. Note that I added a comment there that you may find interesting.

The only things Pearlsky really needs from school are socialization and physical therapy. Most of the other stuff is just crap, let’s face it. Occupational therapy might be important but you need a real good O.T. for that to be true (for Pearlsky, at least). Her IEP specifies that Pearlsky is to get 45 minutes of O.T. twice a week. Not rocket science, right? Here is the note home the other day …

First, notice how her “2 x 45 per week” is applied. One day, three times. And, almost more interesting, why does the O.T.’s signature change? Before vs. after coffee?

Do I fight this? Do I care? It is really stupid and against the intent of the IEP, probably not at all helpful to Pearlsky … but is it worth the energy to get it right? The O.T. is not that fantastic anyway. Do I fight for the principle of it? Is there a principle?

More of a shake-my-head kind of thing then upsetting. But come on folks, really?


  1. By Ivy


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