“Why is it that when we talk to God we’re said to be praying, but when God talks to us we’re schizophrenic?” ~Lily Tomlin

Little Johnny never talked. Not a word, when he was four his parents took him to doctors, nothing wrong. Just never spoke. Then one day when he was six the family was having dinner and out of the blue, “Mom, pass the salt.” “Johnny, JOHNNY, you spoke! How come you never said anything before?” “I had nothing to

“Blogito, dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum”

With sincere apologies to Descartes, “Blogito, dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum” is roughly translated as … I blog, I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am. Why I blog … inspired by this post of Erika’s. One part of my life often sucks. Other parts have appropriate outlets, this one does not. I want to be

How long is the wheelchair?

A simple question, no? NO. Nothing is simple, it is all freaking uphill. Sometimes I just want to sit back and shake my head, but alas, I can’t. It is time to order a new wheelchair. Sandro from National Seating comes over, he is a fantastic DME guy. I hear their guy in Anahiem is

Pre-weekend dumb stuff

I don’t want to think about the tough stuff right now, so a quick diversionary post. Back to life tomorrow, I am sure. Are you participating in the poll of the day to the left, or looking at the past polls? Want to see something incredibly cool? Go here and definitely watch the video. If

Terror du jour …

Today’s email to our favorite doctor … Have I told you recently I hate the world? 😉 My daughter is fine, now. This is very bizarre, and I may never have explained to you my “one time theory.” Basically, something happens once, we sort of ignore it (or don’t panic). When she refuses to eat at

Disabled car and body

Around 7:30 PM Monday evening my daughter and I got to our van, only to find it dead. I called AAA and they were sending a tow truck to jump start or tow the car. I asked if they could help with my daughter and the wheelchair issue, the operator did not have a clue. Luckily,

Poll dance

Note the “Poll of the day” on the left. If you noticed and answered the one the other day, PLEASE answer this one anyway (new method internally, old responses gone). I will make a page with all the polls and responses as we go along. Feel free to suggest poll questions! And don’t forget to

I want a menstrual cramp

Main Entry: em·pa·thy Pronunciation: \ˈem-pə-thē\ Function: noun Etymology: Greek empatheia, literally, passion, from empathēs emotional, from em- + pathos feelings, emotion Date: 1850 the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and