What exactly is a buck worth?

I met the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at a cafe today. She had about forty-five minutes and used the first half to talk about her philosophy and other stuff. If she was trying to burn time or give me valuable information, I am not sure.

Yes, I asked her my questions. Yes, we discussed the value of understanding the past or just moving on. I insisted that one at least needs to understand responsibility and why things happen, minimally from a systemic viewpoint, if not from a which-moron-did-what viewpoint.

She smiled and said … “The buck stops here.” I laughed.

Yes, and I own two companies and a non-profit. Yes, I know the buck stops with you. And you know as well as I do, you did not personally do this stuff to Pearlsky, and even if you take responsibility, I want to know why it was done. The buck stopping with you is worthless and we both know it, unless you kick ass.

She smiled.

I also sent in Pearlsky’s IEP signature page today. The “Rejected” box was checked. I am tired, and I’m not taking any more carp from nursing or the therapists. No more mister nice guy.



  1. Reply

  2. By wjpeace


  3. By Danielle


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