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Dear Prudence, part deux

Two actual emails … re: last post … Ms. Yoffe: I am the single father of a severely disabled nineteen year old daughter. I happened to write a post on my blog the other day about offering advice to others within “our” community. Within the comments was a link to your column and the above

“I believe in practicing prudence at least once every two or three years.” ~Molly Ivins

Thanks to Elizabeth, I now know who “Dear Prudence” is (aka Emily Yoffee) because of this comment on my last post. Several of you have commented on the Dear Prudence Q & A, as did I, but let’s look at it closer here. First, the question: Should I Call the Authorities on a Loving Mom?:

It takes a community

I (and others) have referred to our “club” … many of us have severely disabled kids and that is a different situation than many other disabled. I don’t think I need to describe further, and to be honest, I don’t know how. Pearlsky has no communication at all, I know two “Sophie’s” who do, yet

“Every sin is the result of collaboration.” ~Stephen Crane

So I am waiting to hear from the wannabe pedagogue as to his ideas for Pearlsky on “vocational training” day and how they fit into his “modality” thing. If you don’t know what “modality” means, especially in the way he is using it, don’t fret, neither does he. You know, big words, small mind kind

Brilliant idea re-visited

By now you have all read the article mentioned in the last post. Hopefully you looked at the comments left on this blog and have thought about it! What, you read my blog for simple mindless pleasure? Many states have Safe Haven laws (basically you can abandon a child up to 30 days old at

Brilliant idea of the day

Read this. Duh, why didn’t I think of that? I wonder if my GPS can get us to Caryville …

“Some people think I’m a total moron and I would hope most people think I’m very good at what I do.” ~Dan Abrams

I wrote the email in the previous post to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and copied the teacher and the head of transportation. The teacher responded today. You have my word, this is the ENTIRE response: ESY ends at 3:00PM and Pearlsky will not be transported home prior to 3:00PM. That’s it. The moron

“Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.” ~George Bernard Shaw

Email, written while livid, earlier today. Actually, at 2:59 to be exact. Sent to the Assistant Superintendent. And yes, this is the same class that suddenly went from starting at 10 to starting at 9. Pearlsky came home to an empty house today. Pearlsky arrived at home at 2:55. I have been told that ESY goes