Author Archive

Disturbed, stalking, juvenile, manipulating soon to be ex-husband …

… causes the end of a blog (a couple of months ago), but not this time! No, other reasons, and they are explained in The Longest Post Ever. Dr. Barbara Boucher has ended her blog. She has been a great voice in the community for a while and a reader and commenter here as well.

I like my grass brown, thank you very much.

I seem to have launched a discussion a few posts ago about comparing disabilities when I said “Autistic? Screw you. I’d kill for a kid that was autistic.” Let me take that a bit further … I would rather be deaf than blind. I don’t think I will ever have a choice, and the exercise

Idiots Expound Profusely (I.E.P.)

Have I ever mentioned that I hate idiots? The moment you combine the concept of “communication,” when dealing with Pearlsky, who, according to you, has none, the moment you mention her “intent” or “intention” you expose your inner self, that of a complete moron, or, at least a person who should not be working with

“You need a whole community to raise a child. I have raised two children, alone.” ~Toni Morrison

I just read this touching post over at UnlockTheSecretVoice, it is entitled “Community.” And, yes, SingleDad has an opinion, glad you asked. Claire, she no more of Life With A Severely Disabled Child, (and we know why she needed to bail on that blog; are all men morons?) wrote, in part, in a comment on

Filicide and other fun stuff

There is another one of those articles out there … Parents of autistic children speak out on Sunnyvale murder-suicide. The gist of the article is, well, here is the beginning of it … Taking care of autistic children is hard enough, but caring for them when they grow up can test a parent’s resolve like nothing

“If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer?” ~Stephen Wright

I need to admit I am having a hard time. I’ll get to that. So it is legal to shoot a black kid if he’s armed with Skittles? WTF? Legally mandating medically un-necessary, un-wanted ultrasounds before choosing to end a pregnancy? WTF? I travel to essentially a foreign country (don’t ask) to help a family I am extraordinarily close

Quick note

Pearlsky and I are ok-ish. I have been dealing with way too much and wanted to post today, but as of an hour ago, I need to quickly leave town for a family emergency (more to support others than a crisis falling on me). I will post this week, thank you for all your concerns.

“A lot of people are tired around here, but I’m not sure they’re ready to lie down, stretch out and fall asleep.” ~Jim Jones

I’m tired. And yes, that quote is from that Jim Jones. I need to get away for a day later this week, and it is school vacation week, so Pearlsky is home. It took me three days to arrange for care for her, one nanny from 8 to noon, another noon to 1:30, the next