“Please accept my resignation. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” ~Groucho Marx

Wow. I did not mean to start such controversy! But then, I love it. Several topics in this post. The odds that the physical therapist of the last two posts has even seen my original email (with my snarky clause, as opposed to a Santa clause, of course) are very slim. It was actually written

“The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know.” ~Napoleon Bonaparte

Let’s say you are a cat lover. Unfortunately your cat has some problem and needs medication every day at noon (I actually spent a year giving a cat insulin shots daily), so you hire a neighbor to do it since you work. One day your cat is really sick, almost dead, you take it to

“I also found being called Sir rather silly.” ~Harold Pinter

I was tired. It was a long day and only 3:00! Pearlsky came home and, as an aside, the aide mentioned Pearlsky had physical therapy. I looked at the sign-off sheet that comes home, and there was no therapy sign-off. I sent the teacher an email and yes, I admit, the last part of the

“It’s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won’t drink from my glass.” ~Rodney Dangerfield

A close friend has a ten year-old son who lately has had a problem with chapped lips. She got him a couple of tubes of some medicated lip balm, the kind where you squeeze out a bit of stuff and put it on your lips. Being a ten year-old kid, he lost them. He told

“Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred.” ~Jacques Barzun

You see, I have this kid, and well, she is different. Uggh. And the thing is, I feed into this by treating her as if she is, um, crippled and retarded. Her teachers treat her that way as well, can you imagine? And all of the other children laugh and call her names, they never

“What’s done can’t be undone.” ~William Shakespeare

Done. The four years of feeding Pearlsky gruel … blended pizza, blended bacon cheese burgers, etc. is over, with a whimper. Sort of. This is all because of the head nurse (I will have a review of the complaint against her soon, the state attorney general has been assured that a decision by the Office

Good thing I have my orange juice

I predict I am going to lose some readers today because of this post. You see, this post is going to be about my day yesterday since I have been asked to shed a bit more light on the life of Single Dad (sans Pearlsky). Other than changing names and obscuring places, I do not

“Nature abhors a moron” ~Henry Louis Mencken

For too many reasons, this topic keeps me up at night. Often. So I got a note from one of Pearlsky’s doctors that she can eat food fit for humans. I sent it with this email to the new director of sped in the high school, as well as to the superintendent and the assistant