Ain’t doing that again …

I am having trouble believing the responses to the last post … morons do really say the darndest things. Well, it will be a cold day in hell when I ask for you to share stuff with me again …  😉 When Pearlsky was about two years old (undiagnosed, seizures, completely delayed, etc.) we found

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.” ~Art Linkletter

Anyone born in a place called “Moose Jaw” can’t be all bad. With apologies to Mr. Linkletter … I present to you the beginning of … Morons Say the Darndest Things God only puts on your plate what you can handle You are a better person because of your child Everything happens for a reason

Telegram from Mt. Olympus

Aphrodite writes to me, in part … I think I need to stop reading the f-ing disability blogs. Disability = Big Giant Bummer. I didn’t make the rules, and I really do think there might, might, be a reason these people are disabled and a reason we are their parents. Beyond that, science will improve

Cripples, Idiots, Lepers, and Freaks: Extraordinary Bodies / Extraordinary Minds

(Not about me nor Pearlsky. Things have been tough, really trying to get back to the blog. Stick with me, please.) Thursday, March 22 – Friday, March 23, 2012 The Graduate Center of the City University of New York Could disability be, as Susan Wendell writes, “valued for itself, or for the different knowledge, perspective,

“Ever notice how irons have a setting for permanent press? I don’t get it.” ~Steven Wright

Ever notice that when Ken slows down on blogging, so does Single Dad? Has it ever occurred to you that you never see us in the same room, ever? Think that is just a coincidence? Yeah, and men really walked on the moon, huh? I don’t think so … I have been extraordinarily busy. Intel

“I wish I could hug you, but I don’t think I’m allowed” ~Clare G.

Once Pearlsky became 18, she started to receive Social Security Disability which helps pay for her stuff: food, clothes, medicines, stuff not covered by insurance, etc. She gets $804 a month, this is calculated by such things as the fact that she does not work, she is blind (legally), she lives with her absolutely wonderful

And then there was one …

Social worker, that is. One that I could, I guess, like. You absolutely must read this. Seriously, if you will ever deal with a social worker, read it. I’ll go so far as to say, if you ever want me to allow you to read my blog again, go read it! She is in our

“Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive.” ~William F. Buckley, Jr.

Back to school time. Pearlsky is home for two and a half weeks, and boy is she demanding! Things are going fairly well. But with school soon … here is an email that asks for our help. I spent a weekend reading through the entirety of your blog (can I say just what an amazing