Monsieur Pants-STILL-on-Fire

I was not sure if I was going to follow-up on the previous post, but alas, I must, as you shall see. Basically, I wrote a “Single Dad” email, went back and forth a bit with the teacher and administrators. The teacher actually admitted to intentionally, knowingly documenting events that have not happened. Here is

Monsieur Pants-on-Fire

Knowing that Pearlsky has NO real communication, the basic notes that come home from school are vital. The latest incarnation is the teacher sending an email at the end of everyday with the vital information. The format is the same, a simple table with what I need to know, such as did Pearlsky get her medications on

The dog ate my homework

I have all sorts of reasons and excuses for not posting lately, but as I tell people all the time, never give a reason for something. So I ain’t telling you why. Okay, hints. Several things are going on with Pearlsky that I am having trouble getting my head around and they are easier to

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~Albert Einstein

Get ready to hate Single Dad. The last post was about something in the news, something that we only know one side and second hand, but this is what I think we all heard … Some family has a disabled child who for whatever reason needs a kidney. A big city, top notch hospital doctor

Black Pudding

Black pudding is based on boiled blood. This will cause your blood to boil. Beware. Read This. Thanks to Elizabeth for helping to raise my blood pressure …

Danger, Will Robinson

This post is not about Pearlsky. It is about how Single Dad will steal your wife and ruin your life. Well, as told by a pinhead. In the last post, I wrote these 27 words about a woman who was ending her blog … … reading between the lines it is basically because her husband

Another one bites the dust

Every blogger extraordinaire knows that if you don’t like a post you put up, but don’t want to take it down, you need to quickly change the subject. Hence, I will change the subject. But first, I won’t. (Ain’t so extraordinaire) There are many reasons to blog. There is fame and fortune. There is ego.

Thoughts of a sleepless brain at 4 am

We are slowly coming out of an over two hour seizure. This has not happened for a long long time, this one was bad; she became cyanotic, a first. I so maxed out her meds that I won’t even tell you how much she got. The doc on call says that is the only thing,