02 Jan 2014
Too much time on her hands …
Obviously, one of my (truth be told, “favorite”) readers has way too much time on her hands. She actually reads my blog … This is from the mailbag today: Happy New Year! or whatever ….. These issues were left unresolved in 2013. I do expect an update on these in the very near future! Coke
19 Dec 2013
Answer: Carlo Ponti
We all have our fantasies, right? Some of us have fantasies involving Italian women, right? Hmmmm … Anyway, we all have our fantasies. If you are a reader of this blog, which at least some of you are, then you must share some of the same fantasies I have. I just know it. I, for
16 Dec 2013
Do wits really have an end?
You have no idea how much I miss blogging. I am getting an idea how much you miss my blogging, and I must say I am extremely appreciative of those checking in to see if me and Pearlsky are okay. Seeing that “okay” is relative, I am not sure how to respond. Sure, we’re okay.
15 Oct 2013
Did you / do you have a wheelchair nightmare?
Two public service announcements. 1. I was recently contacted by Karen Shell, Director of Branch Services for National Seating & Mobility. They are the DME (sales / distribution arm for “durable medical equipment”) I use for Pearlsky’s wheelchair. She has read this blog and contacted me about the total nightmare that her company can be at
09 Oct 2013
Hitachi Magic Wand
There are lots of things I need to tell you, I will really try to do more posting. Big things with transition to adult day programs, wheel chair company begging me for YOUR feedback, and more. But here is something that has me pissed at the moment. I have been going to Pearlsky’s school unannounced
28 Sep 2013
Water therapy, passports, and hell
I was doing some traveling recently and got a last minute invite to meet three great ladies … how could I refuse? Check out Claire’s blog for some insight (and pics) into our visit, with Sophie, at Niagara Falls, the Canadian side! It was fascinating spending time with Sophie and the inevitable comparisons to Pearlsky.
11 Sep 2013
Here for the long haul
That last post got a lot of attention from all different angles. Here goes another, on the same topic, so make sure you have read it! My inner most thoughts in what should be my last post ever, but won’t be. Let’s start here … I make every decision for Pearlsky that there is. I
10 Sep 2013
Define “despair”
Here is an article from the AP, reproduced in total. Mom of autistic daughter accused in murder-suicide try blogged her despair BEULAH, Mich. — Kelli Stapleton, the Michigan woman accused of trying to kill herself and her severely autistic daughter, blogged that day about how desperate she was feeling. “I have to admit that I’m