Guardianship Archive
11 Apr 2011
Follow up to previous post …
In the last post I shared both the form I needed to fill out for Pearlsky and some thoughts on it. To be clear, I fully understand the reasons behind the form, the intent and such, and it did not upset me, but it was a bit depressing in its “in your face” way. And,
30 Sep 2010
I now pronounce you “Mom and Dad”
If you don’t remember my post on the wonderful Rick, the “Judicial Case Manager” at the courthouse, the one I said this about … “He was so sincere, so empathetic, it was this strange but strong connection, this flash of recognition” then go read it now. It is the second half of this post. Go
23 Sep 2010
“From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside.” ~Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama
You know me, far be it from me to want to start any trouble or stir the pot. In that regard, I decided to do a bit more research on the who-can-vote thing.
22 Sep 2010
“Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.” ~Steven Wright
Discussing the fact that I had to have Pearlsky served (in the legal sense) with papers, I wrote this in a recent post on guardianship: Back in college I was a bouncer for a while at a popular hole-in-the-wall across the street from the ball park. I had the reputation of carding everyone, and I
12 Aug 2010
“If you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve yourself.” ~Benjamin Franklin
Moving on with the guardianship … remember that the day she turns 18, without my having legal guardianship, no one can tell me anything about Pearlsky medically, at school, etc. No exceptions, that’s the law. Uggh. Today I received from the court the “Citation Giving Notice Of Petition For Appointment of Guardian For Incapacitated Person.” Sounds scary.