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27 Sep 2015
Blessed is the True Judge

When we hear of a death, we try to affirm that the holy One, blessed be He, knows what He is doing. Hence we say “Blessed is the True Judge.” Being the heathen I am, I say it anyway. Even though He may be a She, and either way, S/He may not know what He
07 Sep 2015
Dumpster Diving Dad

Nothing like an emergency run to the Big City Children’s Hospital emergency room. I am sitting having coffee out with my BFF and the nanny calls. One of Pearlsky’s best. I can’t get Pearlsky to stop crying. I gave her Advil and then she needed some Valium. There is something very wrong. I saw her
23 Aug 2015
Go ahead, tell me a sad story.

My surrogate son … I am a Special Education Advocate. Not sure why that is all capitalized, but it makes me look better. I have been doing this for a while. I enjoy it, and if I may say so myself, I am pretty good at it. Just look at the real testimonials on my
15 Aug 2015
Period – not just for grammarians anymore

The appointment with the gynecologist went well, she did not feel there was a reason for a physical exam. I put my pants back on. Pearlsky had close to a dozen years of pretty much spot on exactly 28-day cycles and four day periods. Then a few months ago that went out the window, hence the
12 Aug 2015
“Let us not burthen our remembrance with a heaviness that’s gone.”
~William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Email sent today to gynecologist … I have known her since before Pearlsky was in utero … Pearlsky saw her once three years ago or so, no physical exam at that point … going in three days. I was thinking about our appointment this Friday and cannot remember exactly the timing of the last appointment.